A brief showcase of some video hits from Tech Insider
If you're planning a beach vacation, you'd better get to it soon.
It's no secret that it's a pricey pain to host the Olympic Games, running billions of dollars above the estimated budget. As the International Olympic Committee receives fewer bids with each problematic games, the future of the tradition is looking unsure.
The best part of getting a pizza is opening up the box to unleash the smell of Italian seasoning, melted cheese, and crispy crust. You have Carmela Vitale to thank for that.
Tarmac has created Topmix Permeable, a porous concrete that allows rain water to flow though it. Up to 880 gallons of water can trickle through Topmix, which could eliminate flooding where it has been installed.
A brief showcase of some video hits from Parade
With over 300 Tech, Science and Innovation videos produced, my portfolio from Tech Insider covers unquenchable concrete, Olympic overspending, and a lot of water-based aquatic concepts. I’m still waiting for my Dubai floating houseboat.
It has been my absolute pleasure to work with the Carolyn Sills Combo on these edited music videos